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Mark Allen

Favorite resources for freelance editors

This list of links was presented as a handout at the “Freelancers Forum” session at the American Copy Editors Society conference in Phoenix in March 2011. It was compiled by Mark Allen, Kate Karp and Liz Smith. It’s not intended to be exhaustive, but it represents some of our favorite places to find help when we are editing at home.

Please send me a note if you find any bad links, and please share your favorite resources in the comments.

Resources for Freelancers

Organizations, websites and a list

ACES (blog, news, resources, jobs, and the ACES forums):

Copyediting Newsletter (Links, blog, jobs, resources, training):

Journalists’ Toolbox (Compendium of links to useful sites)

Copyeditor’s Knowledge Base (Links to resources for freelance copyeditors):  

Grant Barrett’s searches (word-related sites, Google books):

CE-L (mailing list for copyeditors): Sign up at

Stylebooks and usage guides

The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual (available as an app and online by subscription)

Chicago Manual of Style (also available online by subscription)

The Bluebook (Harvard Law Review legal citation guide; online subscription available)

Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (guides to Chicago, MLA and APA style)


Merriam-Webster Collegiate 11th (Chicago’s preferred; online free, on CD-ROM, and as a free appUnabridged by subscription)

Webster’s New World College (AP’s preferred; also as an app)

Oxford dictionaries (New Oxford American free online or as “Dictionary” application on a Mac; includes American English and World English options)

Oxford English Dictionary online (check with your local library)

Wordnik (contains American Heritage, Century Dictionary, others)

American Heritage (also as an app)

Visual Thesaurus (subscription)

Compiled for ACES 2011 by Mark Allen, Kate Karp and Liz Smith

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