How can I help? mark@markalleneditorial.com

Editor's Library: Essential Tools for Bookcase and Browser
Links from a presentation about my library and my favorite resources at the 2021 Editors Canada conference.
Style guides (subscription)
The Associated Press Stylebook
CMOS hyphenation guide (paywall)
Style guides (free)
The Chicago Manual of Style Q&A
The Chicago Manual of Style blog
Style Manual of the American Psychological Association
Guardian and Observer Style Guide
National Geographic Style Manual
US Government Publishing Office Style Manual (PDF)
Cool tools and miscellaneous
Adrienne Montgomerie's how-to guides and tools
Copyeditors Knowledge Base, KOK Edit
Training and such

Merriam-Webster (subscription)
The Oxford English Dictionary (subscription)
Merriam-Webster Advanced Learner's
Usage guides
Editor organizations
Editorial Freelancers Association
Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
Institute of Professional Editors
Editor hangouts
Conscious language