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Grant Barrett

Live on Zoom

Episode 70:
s of the Year

January 9, 2024


Wendalyn Nichols


Lane Greene


Fiona McPherson


Lynne Murphy

That Word Chat returns on January 9 for our annual look at the words that helped define the previous year. They may be new words or words that achieved new meanings or new significance in 2023.


One again, we’re bringing together one of the greatest panels of wordsters ever assembled for our discussion:


  • Grant Barrett, head of lexicography for and co-host of A Way With Words ( chose “hallucinate”)

  • Lane Greene, language columnist and Spain correspondent at The Economist (The Economist word of the year is “ChatGPT”)

  • Fiona McPherson, senior editor at Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford Languages chose “rizz” as its word of 2023)

  • Lynne Murphy, professor of linguistics at the University of Sussex (Murphy selects the most significant word pinchings from US English to UK English and vice versa)

  • Wendalyn Nichols, publishing manager at Cambridge Dictionary (“hallucinate” was also Cambridge Dictionary's choice for 2023)

  • Peter Sokołowski, editor at large for Merriam-Webster (“authentic” was Merriam-Webster’s choice for 2023)

  • Kelly Wright and Ben Zimmer from the American Dialect Society, which will choose its words of the year on Jan. 5


Sign up below for the Zoom link to the live show, then join us at 4:30 p.m. ET (21:30 UTC) on Tuesday, January 9.



Peter Sokolowski


Kelly Wright

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Ben Zimmer

Thank you to our That Word Chat patrons

Word Masters

Lisa Johnson         Kate Karp          Merrill Perlman        Carol Pickerine

Word Lovers

Ann Bourne    DeAnna Burghart    Susan Karcz    Molly McBeath

Word Nerds

Rebecca Benner

Patty Boyd

Hilary Cadman

Elizabeth d'Anjou

Mary-Jane Doherty

Susan Fitzgerald

James Gallagher

Rosemary Gretton

Rachel Herbert

Mallory Herrmann

Neil Holdway

Karin Horler

Ellen Jovin

Ellen Kuwana

Beverly Michaels

Amanda Miller

Voncille Meyer

Mary Norris

Sasha Nyary

Lori Paximadis

Dayna Reidenouer

Deb Ring

Alice Steinke

Sue Toth

Laura Weisman

Karen Wise

David Yontz

Karyn Zafran

Word Fans

Christina Allen

Betty Ann Bardell

Anne Kelley Conklin

Joy Drohan

Mignon Fogarty

Susan Goldstein

Donna Marks Pleasant

Jeanette Fast Redmond

Amy Schneider

Amy Spungen


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That Word Chat is a blast every time we do it. It's also a big time commitment for host Mark Allen and producers Heather Saunders and Sarahni Pecson. We work hard to bring you a casual, fun, usually professional experience. What keeps us going most is hearing how much you love the experience. Please consider being part of the team with various levels of support, each with some cool benefits — most levels include access to our private Slack group. You can opt to support us monthly or annually. 

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