If Black is up, do we capitalize White?
How can I help? mark@markalleneditorial.com
Style guides differ on Word of the Decade: A status update on the epicene they
If ‘they’ is singular, does ‘themself’ naturally follow?
Great writing informs great copy editing
Possessive of a title in quotes? Just don’t
In standard usage, ‘daylight saving time’ wins out
Bard Day celebration offers much to read about
ACES 2014 National Grammar Day Tweeted Haiku Contest entries
A little bit of what I’ve learned on Twitter
If someone says eye-licking is causing infections, check it out
Habitat for Humanity house is a fitting tribute to a nice guy
More from me at the Copyediting newsletter blog
Made-up ‘rules’ may offer a path to clarity
Here are the winning winners in the Tweeted Haiku Contest
arika okrent / the judges loudly proclaim / winning haikuist
Kory Stamper: Celebrate, don’t denigrate, this National Grammar Day
Tweeted-haiku contest returns this week
Warning: political content; but politics affects us all
Funny, but it’s still rock ‘n’ roll to me
Allow me to dangle the winning haiku in front of you
March forth and write haiku to celebrate National Grammar Day
Don’t discount the editor when the focus is ‘online-first’
I don’t know why you say ‘good-bye’
Grammar Girl’s book for students is approachable, orange